Dierickx Lab

New member, who dis?

Welcome to Ankita Jha, who just joined our lab as a TA. Ankita comes from a small lovely town Darbhanga in India. She obtained her bachelor’s in Biotechnology in Jaipur (India) and her master’s degree from the Technical University Dresden (Germany) in the field of Molecular Bioengineering. During her studies, she worked on neurons, brain organoids, and cardiomyocytes. She started enjoying cardiac cells more and could not stop thinking about how to use stem cells as a model to gain some insights into the underlying molecular mechanisms of cardiac arrest. Besides science, she loves dancing, cooking, and still dreams of becoming a star in a movie where she would play a smart scientist.

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Kai and Bryce had a fantastic first IMPRS retreat.
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Welcome to Yannick Mangold, our fifth lab member!