Dierickx Lab

Welcome to the Dierickx Lab for Circadian Regulation of Cardiometabolism

Circadian rhythms coordinate many different aspects of behavior and physiology (e.g., fasting/feeding cycles, body temperature and metabolism). The Dierickx lab is interested in the molecular mechanisms of the circadian clock driving rhythmic metabolic processes in the heart. We try to understand how deregulated clocks are leading to cardiovascular defects and are trying to target the circadian clock in order to treat and prevent heart diseases.

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Learn more about the CPI

Our lab is covered in this short image film on our cardiopulmonary institute (CPI) excellence cluster, which was established in 2019: Watch the film

Within the CPI, researchers from Gießen and Frankfurt university as well as our Max-Planck-Institute (MPI) for heart and lung research in Bad Nauheim have joined forces to combine different research fields and expertises:

The CPI consists of basic, clinical, and translationally-oriented researchers and experts, who have joined forces to understand cardio-pulmonary diseases and to find new treatments. We have already made groundbreaking contributions to cardio-pulmonary science and the development of novel treatments. The Cluster aims at basic and translational research. Our interdisciplinary team allows us to study mechanisms of cardio-pulmonary diseases in model systems ranging from cell culture experiments to animal models and to combine these results with clinical data. Importantly, the CPI is well equipped to carry out translational studies validating our basic research results in patients in the clinical setting. Moreover, physician-scientists of the CPI are intensely involved in clinical studies at every stage to evaluate novel therapeutics and therapies.

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